First Lines: "Edmund! You know better than that. Dragging in some poor, dead creature just as I've finished mopping the floor."
Faves on 4s:
14% - Anybody who'd take the trouble to stack forty-eight paper clips in neat rows of six apiece within their little box would not be apt to leave the sofa pillows askew.
44% - "The organ may be gone, but the music remains. That's what my great-aunt Mabel used to say after they took out her whatevers."
74% - "You deserve a slap on the back, Ottermole. Keep it up. Try the pumpkin pie."
84% - The chief regarded the warrant fondly. He must have been yearning for years to wave one of these under some miscreant's nose.
Ramble: Before this blog officially started I wasted the time (and, likely, tested the patience) of the handful of readers I had at my diet/health blog at the time. I never seemed to have anything worthwhile to say there that was on-topic so I would fill the space with whatever I was doing when I wasn't exercising and watching what I ate -- so, pretty much, reading. I started this in December 2014 and the first book I rambled about was the first book in Charlotte MacLeod's Peter Shandy series -- Rest You Merry. Something The Cat Dragged In is the fourth book in the series and I have six more to go. I'm stretching them out as much as I can since there won't ever be any more but it's hard because I'm still so madly in love with Peter Shandy -- and, as the series progresses, with his boss.
I mostly read my paperback version but pulled the "Faves on 4s" from my digital copy since it seemed like every page that ended in 4 in the actual book was riddled with spoilers. To quote Thorkjeld Svenson: URRGH!
Actually, all of my favorites could easily have been Svenson-centric this time around even though he only made a smattering of appearances. He's quite the quotable fellow.
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All in all, I loved this book just as I've loved everything else of MacLeod's that I've read so far. Not only is Peter Shandy still adorable and Thorkjeld Svenson is still a burning hunk of Viking hotness, but we also get to know some of the secondary characters from previous books a bit better and are introduced to some new characters that I certainly hope to see again. Likely not to happen in the next installment since it's supposed to take place off campus, but the sixth one, hopefully....
And now I suppose I should read one of the ARCs I've recently acquired. Or start another MacLeod series (I have two started and two not). Urrgh.
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