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17 March 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten on My Spring TBR List

I'm a scatter-brain. That's my only excuse for not doing a Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish in so long! Luckily, I actually logged in to my Bloglovin for the first time in ages and one of the top posts in my feed was someone's Top Ten Tuesday post. I'm avoiding folding laundry at work so here we go!

My Top Ten Spring To-Be-Read
(all covers are Amazon Associate links)

1. Death at the President's Lodging by Michael Innes
Published in 1936, this is the first on 37 books featuring Inspector John Appleby of Scotland Yard. 
I'm bothered and bewildered that this will be my first time reading any of them!

2. Alias Hook by Lisa Jensen
Because, you know, Hook is awesome. I kinda have a thing for pirates.

3. Irregardless of Murder by E. E. Kennedy
The first in a series of cozies featuring a high school English teacher in northern New York. 
There may even be an appearance by Champy (Lake Champlain's beloved sea monster)!

4. The Man In The Brown Suit by Agatha Christie
Continuing the Christie read-a-thon with her fourth. 
Off the top of my head I'm not sure if it's a read or a re-read.

5. Roast Mortem by Cleo Coyle
The ninth in the Coffeehouse Mystery series. 
Accidentally had it missing-in-action for months so the series has been, sadly, on hold.
I could have skipped over it and gone to the tenth but then I might cry.

6. The Winter Ground by Catriona McPherson
This is the fourth book in the Dandy Gilver series. 
You, therefore, should have plenty of time to catch up by the time I get to this to review.

7. The Collectors' Society by Heather Lyons
Alice is out of Wonderland, all grown up, and in New York City. Sure. I'll try.

8. Wrack and Rune by Charlotte MacLeod
I've missed Peter. That's all.

9. The Weed That Strings The Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley
I've missed Flavia, too.

10. Dreamwalker by Rhys Bowen & CM Broyles
Attempted once before. Hoping that by the time I get to it this time I'll be in a better frame of mind for it because I would really love to love this!


Cora - Tea Party Princess said...

Oooh, interesting list. My own TBR just got even longer!
Cora @ Tea Party Princess

Alexia561 said...

Great list! I'm curious about Alias Hook, as I've got a thing for pirates too! Especially Hook from Once Upon A Time...sigh! ;)

beccabooklover said...

Ooh some really interesting looking books here. Alias Hook looks so so good, had it on my wishlist for a while now. The Collector's Society looks really intriguing too! Love fairy tale retellings! Great list, hope you enjoy them all :)

Becca @ Lost in Thought

Mama Marie said...

Great list! A whole season of mysteries! Here's my TTT. Happy reading!

Michelle @ In Libris Veritas said...

I've read Alias Hook and it is excellent, one of my favorite books this year so far. I'm loving all of the mysteries you have listed! Happy reading!

karen said...

Mysteries are my absolute favorites. I love the escapism and getting my brain working with whodunnit :)

karen said...

I'm so excited that I finally have it! I've wanted it since before it came out!

karen said...

I just stumbled on The Collector's Society thanks to Amazon's "you might also like" thing. Hope they're right!

karen said...

My mom was always a huge fan of anything Peter Pan related and I seem to have inherited it! And Once's Hook? Oh. My. Yum.

karen said...

The best (and worst) thing about book memes! LOL

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