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07 January 2020

Playing With Fire by Derek Landy (Tuesday Intros & Teaser Tuesday)

What the hell, Karen? 
Almost three years since reading the first Skulduggery Pleasant book and just NOW getting around to the second??? Well, to be fair, much of 2017 was an epic mess. 2018 wasn't much better. 2019? Well, Netgalley can be blamed for some of it. Lack of caring can be blamed for some. And, yes, still a bit of a mess. 
Granted, the first week of 2020 has been one of the worst weeks I've had in a very long time. It's a big reason why I grabbed the second Skulduggery, Playing With Fire, and tossed it in my bag on my way out the door for work. 
(Forgot my food -- remembered my book. Typical Karen move.) 
Even if Skulduggery couldn't make everything better, he could give me a handful of hours of snark. 
I still love snark.

"First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros" is from the first paragraph or two of
a book being read now (or in the future) and is hosted by I'd Rather Be At The Beach.

"Teaser Tuesday" at The Purple Booker asks for a random line
or two from anywhere in the book currently being read.


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, wow! Intense and full of adventure, obviously. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE PLAYGROUND”

Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com said...

Looks a fun book! I've done that, forgot food, but remembered my book! lol

Here's my Tuesday post.Hope you're having a good week!

Girl Who Reads said...

I don't think it is my kind of book, but the teasers are good. See what book I'm featuring today at Girl Who Reads

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