The Three Ws are:
What did you recently finish reading?
What are you currently reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
Recently Finished :
I was really looking forward to this one since I loved the first in the series and the third is sitting on my NetGalley shelf. I wasn't even planning on reading it right now but I was having horrible luck with anything sticking again. Maybe I'm just in too bad of a mood for good things to seem worthwhile ... or maybe I just keep grabbing the wrong books. I think the latter may be the case because my "Currently Reading" is most definitely worthwhile.
Currently Reading:
This week's pick for Tuesday Intros & Teaser Tuesday ... and probably Book Beginnings & Friday 56 ... and quite likely next week, as well. It's big and beautiful and I'm on Part Two of Five (with two more books to go after this in the series) ... and we finally met Arthur 💕
You trusted Arthur on sight. That was why women always liked Arthur, not because he was good-looking, for he was not overly handsome, but because he looked at you with genuine interest and an obvious benevolence.
What's Next?
I'll be wrapped up in Cornwell for at least another 306 pages and I'm tempted just to keep going ... but if I DO decide to pay attention to my NetGalley shelf and things I "should" be reading (what a horrible word "should" is), then I think maybe Misha Popp will be a safe choice. Maybe.
Ah, the 'should be reading' problem... I've tried to be much more strict about what I request on NetGalley in the last year so I don't end up in this situation. Well, at least that's the plan...
I am curious about A Good Day to Pie. Here's MY WWW POST
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