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01 May 2020

Soulless by Gail Carriger (Book Beginnings & Friday 56)

They say the third time's the charm and that appears to be the case for me and Gail Carriger's Soulless

The first time I attempted it, I believe I was still in recovery over her Finishing School series ending. This was written first but those come first chronologically as far as story goes and you probably know by now how I am about such things.

The second time? Life in general probably got in the way -- much as it has been for me and any reading at all for the past couple of months. Funny how all this "extra time" people seem to have thanks to the whole pandemic/world falling apart/blah blah blah has meant less time spent reading for me. 

I've tried. 

I've failed.

Gail Carriger has saved me. And it's with a book that has failed me before.

This time around I'm obsessed. I do cringe slightly when we alternate between "Alexia" and "Miss Tarabotti" -- sometimes in the same paragraph … but not so much that I'll actually close my Kindle to do things like sleep or eat or accomplish much at work. (I still do all of those things, of course, but the Kindle is never far away and almost always open to see what's happening next.)

Friday 56 (today is page 56 of the paperback) is hosted at Freda's Voice 
& Book Beginnings (share the first few sentences) is at Rose City Reader.


Angelique @ Why I Can't Stop Reading. said...

Not sure if this is my kind of read - but those snippits are intriguing enough that I might have to give it a go. Well done for going back and giving it another go!
My Post: https://ignorantsouthafrican.wordpress.com/2020/05/01/funtastic-friday-book-beginnings-friday-56/

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Those snippets made me smile. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “PRETTY THINGS”

Lisa Ks Book Reviews said...

I just hate it when I'm enjoying a good library and a pesky vampire messes it up for me. ;-) SOunds like a good one! I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine . . .https://lisaksbookthoughts.blogspot.com/2020/05/its-cozy-food-friday-that-means-its.html

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I once ordered this book for my high school library and got told off my faculty member so I returned it without reading it. Too adult I think for teens. Your thoughts? My Friday quotes

fredamans said...

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Happy weekend, stay safe!

Konna said...

I like paranormal historical novels! Thank you for sharing it :)
Konna @ The Reading Armchair

Breana M. said...

Soulless is one of my favorite books.

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