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05 November 2019

Erica Ridley's Kissed By Magic (Tuesday Intros & Teaser Tuesday)

Sometimes one just needs sweet and magical and, for me, it has been one of those times lately. Thank goodness for Erica Ridley's Kissed By Magic! It's a story of adventure and longing and humor and heartbreak and aggravation and sweetness and passion and oh-so-much magic. Lance and Marigold are absolutely delightful and perfect together -- in spite of the 600 year age difference. After all, age is only a number, right?

Amazon Description

"First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros" is from the first paragraph or two of a book being read now (or in the future) and is hosted by I'd Rather Be At The Beach.

"Teaser Tuesday" at The Purple Booker asks for a random line or two from anywhere in the book currently being read.

1 comment:

sjhigbee said...

What an intriguing-looking series - part fairytale, part underworld fantasy? Thank you for sharing, Karen.

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