I haven't done a Top Ten Tuesday in quite a while but it's a quiet night at work and it's a freebie week so I'm doing Top Ten Tax Refund Buys in honor of filing already. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

I absolutely cheat. The first three actually total nine ... but I really really REALLY want all three omnibuses (preferably with decent dust jackets):

1. The Thorne Smith 3-Bagger (Topper, Skin and Bones, and The Glorious Pool)
2. The Thorne Smith 3-Decker (The Stray Lamb, Turnabout and Rain in the Doorway)
3. The Thorne Smith Triplets (Topper Takes A Trip, The Night Life of the Gods, and The Bishop's Jaegers)
Only three middle grade titles on my list:

4. Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes by Jonathan Auxier -- I've already read but need in hardcover
5. Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard by Jonathan Auxier -- I've read part of the ARC for but had to stop because it was too delicious not to hold in my hands
6. Jolly Foul Play by Robin Stevens -- I'll have to buy from the UK because it will be released there loooong before here
The last four are a bit of a mish-mosh:

7. The Rowdy Coyote Rumble by Ann Charles -- because it's the newest installment of one of my favorite series
8. & 9. How To Get A (Love) Life & How To Stuff Up Christmas by Rosie Blake -- because they sound fecking adorbs and I couldn't possibly do a list of ten without some UK Chick Lit
10. Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore -- one never needs a reason for Christopher Moore.
Good job, you! You must have been the first to file.
Wow. I can't believe you have already filed your taxes. I am no where near ready for that step.
My TTT: Hottest Books in My Library right now.
Oh, interesting list. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)
Great way to spend your tax refund! :)
Check out my TTT.
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