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08 April 2022

Razzmatazz by Christopher Moore (Book Beginnings & Friday56)

Title: Razzmatazz
Author: Christopher Moore
Publication: 17 May 2022
FormatKindle eARC via NetGalley & William Morrow

Amazon Description

San Francisco, 1947. Bartender Sammy “Two Toes” Tiffin and the rest of the Cookie’s Coffee Irregulars—a ragtag bunch of working mugs last seen in Noir—are on the hustle: they’re trying to open a driving school; shanghai an abusive Swedish stevedore; get Mable, the local madam, and her girls to a Christmas party at the State Hospital without alerting the overzealous head of the S.F.P.D. vice squad; all while Sammy’s girlfriend, Stilton (a.k.a. the Cheese), and her “Wendy the Welder” gal pals are using their wartime shipbuilding skills on a secret project that might be attracting the attention of some government Men in Black. And, oh yeah, someone is murdering the city’s drag kings and club owner Jimmy Vasco is sure she’s next on the list and wants Sammy to find the killer.

Meanwhile, Eddie “Moo Shoes” Shu has been summoned by his Uncle Ho to help save his opium den from Squid Kid Tang, a vicious gangster who is determined to retrieve a priceless relic: an ancient statue of the powerful Rain Dragon that Ho stole from one of the fighting tongs forty years earlier. And if Eddie blows it, he just might call down the wrath of that powerful magical creature on all of Fog City.

Strap yourselves in for a bit of the old razzmatazz, ladies and gentlemen. It’s Christopher Moore time.

Ramble-y Teaserish Stuff

Long before I finished Noir I knew that I needed more Sammy and Stilton and Eddie and whatever and whoever else Christopher Moore decides to throw into the mix. As soon as a sequel was announced, I added it to my wishlist. As soon as it was available to pre-sale, I pre-bought. As soon as it hit NetGalley, I hit the request button. As soon as I was approved? I was horribly torn. I've been so anxious about getting my grubby little hands on this .... and I read the first few chapters immediately .... but part of me kind of just wants to toss some teasers out there and wait until the hardcover arrives in just over a month. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. Here's the beginning from the prologue and the 56% from the eARC. In a month maybe we'll do Tuesday.


As always, Friday 56 (share a blurb from the 56th page or 56% mark) is hosted at Freda's Voice 
& Book Beginnings (share the first few sentences) is at Rose City Reader


Lauren Stoolfire said...

I need to read this! Happy weekend!

Elza Reads said...

Oh my goodness! This seems like so much fun!! I am first going to take a look at Noir and see what all your excitement is about.

Have a good weekend and no more peeking...!!!

Elza Reads

Harvee44 said...

That's a really interesting book beginning.

fredamans said...

That 56 made me laugh! Sounds like a fun read, for sure! Happy weekend!

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