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02 March 2018

The Best Medicine by Charlotte Fallowfield (Book Beginnings & Friday 56)

Oh how I love Charlotte Fallowfield's Dilbury Village series! This time we get the story of Charlie in The Best Medicine. It starts when she's the new girl in the village who happens to write erotica while also having lousy luck with men AND medical emergencies. My son and I often joke about the fact that I could trip on air, but poor Charlie is a walking disaster in the medical department.

The romantic aspect of the story I pretty much saw coming right off the bat, but sometimes that's okay and that was definitely the case here. It was great fun watching Charlie reach the conclusion I had come to within the first couple of chapters, and even better was the inclusion of the village residents I've come to know and love through the other installments, like Abbie, Georgie and especially Daphne. I'd love to be able to sit down with her for a cup of tea .... or whiskey, more likely than not.

If you're at all a fan of lighthearted romantic comedies, I definitely recommend a trip to Dilbury Village!

Friday 56 (today is 56% from the ebook) is hosted at Freda's Voice
& Book Beginnings (share the first few sentences) is at Rose City Reader.


Kathy Martin said...

This does sound like fun. I am not familiar with the series and will be adding it to my wishlist. I'm spotlighting Lake Silence by Anne Bishop - her latest set in the world of The Others. Happy reading!

Breana M. said...

This sounds like a book I would enjoy. Thanks for mentioning it.

fredamans said...

Sounds like a fantastic cozy! Happy weekend!

sjhigbee said...

Oh yes, it sounds like one of those delightful, slightly old fashioned murder mysteries... Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend:)

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